The A52 Clifton Bridge, a major National Highways upgrade project in Nottingham, is a complex structure, which required repairs inside and underneath the bridge to strengthen the concrete.

Bridge Infrastructure

Complex structures made simple with our engineered bridge systems

Having supported a vast range of bridge-building and repair projects around the world, no matter what type of bridge project you’re working on, our formwork, scaffolding and digital solutions can make construction simpler and safer.

Bridges are made of multiple structural components and are often located in challenging environments where access is limited, or traffic is still operational. We approach these types of multifaceted projects by engaging early with you to understand your requirements, align our operations with your construction schedule and help you safely deliver a structure that is built to last.

How we can support you

Below are just some of our solutions.

  • PERI products work together to deliver built-to-last structures.
    Delivering quality

    Achieve any highways design specification with our range of products. From flexible formwork to insightful sensor technology, we can help you achieve the desired result for your project.

  • PERI provides 3d modelling to enable clients to plan ahead and prevent risks.
    Forward thinking

    We’ve produced 3D modelling and animations for bridge projects to give site teams a better understanding of construction sequences, enabling them to plan ahead and prevent risks that might affect their programme.

    Here you can see a 3D render of our PERI UP Flex scaffolding birdcage and access solutions, which was used in the planning stage for the structural repair works on the A52 Clifton Bridge.

  • PERI can provide multiple services to assist with your projects.
    Available services for your project


Take a look at how we’ve supported bridge construction projects

Luton DART - 3D Pier Animation


  • Customer Testimonial
    Richard Fahey
    Contract Manager, NJ Doyne
    "What’s interesting about the tunnel is that its curved shape has been achieved by reusing straight formwork. The mobile solution for the pier table system has worked brilliantly and has reduced repositioning times, especially within the confined area."


