The multifunctional SKYMAX Large Panel Slab Formwork System made of aluminium or polymer offers a variety of options to combine all system elements to achieve an optimal customer solution.

SKYMAX 大面积楼板模板



铝合金SKYMAX 模块
铝合金SKYMAX模块能够为您提供最高的安全性。2.00米x1.00米 和 2.00米x0.67米模块重量分别为32公斤和26公斤,能够非常好的适合徒手操作。确保了省时、省力的工作, 并节省了人力资源的方式。铝合金模块还能够组装成台模进行使用。



  • 起步支撑梁的长度有66.5厘米,100厘米和300厘米三种规格。
  • 承重梁能够提供15kN的承载能力。
  • 使用立模辅助工具,能够最少为3,80米的楼板立模.
  • 使用立模工具车能够为最大5,30米高的楼板立模

说明:  SKYMAX 台模方案从2021年开始提供 


  • 使用SKYMAX铝合金模板,能够在不设置中间支撑的情况下浇筑35或40厘米厚的楼板,在设置中间支撑的情况下能够浇筑55厘米厚的楼板。
  • 铝合金模板尺寸 2,00 x 1,00 米 和 2,00  x 0,67 米两种规格,重量非别为 32公斤 和 26公斤.
  • SKYMAX铝合金模块能够在施工现场组装成 2,00 x 4,00 米至 4,00  x 6,00 米,配备安全设备的台模

SKYMAX 高聚合物模块

  • SKYMAX 高聚合物模块能够浇筑30或35厘米厚的楼板。
  • 2,00 x 1,00 米 和 2,00  x 0,67米 的SKYMAX 高聚合物模块的重量少于30公斤和25公斤。




RFID-技术确保了,材料在工地上的流动更加透明。重要的是: 使用收集和UHF-读取器或派利材料扫描程序都能够识别RFID标签。

它确保能够快速识别材料,并将您的物流服务提升达一个新的水平。 每一个SKYMAX模块均配备了RFID-标签,使用扫描器能够清晰识别并分类。

此外通过派利材料识别APP(PERI MATERIAL SCAN App )扫描REIF-标签,您可以获得相应的组件、组装和使用说明信息以及产品视频。


  • 通过扫描RFID-标签,能够轻易实现识别和批量记录模块信息
  • 通过扫描进、出库材料,能够追踪模板材料信息,优化了物流过程,
  • 使用PERI MATERIAL SCAN App 扫描标签,能够快速浏览产品信息


  • 先进的组装流程

    安全作业、创新的系统组件、标准应用的双频信号接收器RFID(RFID = RADIO 频率识别)和 NFC(NFC =近距离通信)

  • 系统简单


  • 立模、拆模简单高效



  • The multifunctional, aluminium and polymer-based SKYMAX slab formwork system offers a wide range of adaptable combination options.


  • With the aid of the lowering head, you will be able to strike the panels after only a short period of time and then use them together with the heads for the next section.


  • The slab panels are slipped into the head from a safe position on the installation surface below and pivoted upwards. This reduces the amount of work and level of effort required significantly, thus ensuring a high level of efficiency throughout the forming process. With the shuttering aid you can safely form room heights of at least 3.80 m.
    The slab panels are slipped into the head from a safe position on the installation surface below and pivoted upwards. This reduces the amount of work and level of effort required significantly, thus ensuring a high level of efficiency throughout the forming process. With the shuttering aid you can safely form room heights of at least 3.80 m.
  • On account of the low weight and the ergonomic handling features, no more than two persons are required for the SKYMAX installation process.
    On account of the low weight and the ergonomic handling features, no more than two persons are required for the SKYMAX installation process.
  • The guardrail unit ensures the safety of personnel and is easy to assemble. You can walk on the SKYMAX system as soon as the anti-fall protection has been assembled.
    The guardrail unit ensures the safety of personnel and is easy to assemble. You can walk on the SKYMAX system as soon as the anti-fall protection has been assembled.
  • The double adjustment beam consists of two SXP AB 200 adjustment beams.
    The double adjustment beam consists of two SXP AB 200 adjustment beams.
  • The column frame with its flexible cross profile in a 10 cm grid arrangement facilitates the shuttering of building columns.
    The column frame with its flexible cross profile in a 10 cm grid arrangement facilitates the shuttering of building columns.
  • Using either the support head or the lowering head, the panels can be supported at any given position. The well-thought-out geometry of the heads and panels means that they can be deployed in an adaptable, simple and time-saving manner. The teeth on the support heads and lowering heads make it exceptionally easy to insert the panels.
    Using either the support head or the lowering head, the panels can be supported at any given position. The well-thought-out geometry of the heads and panels means that they can be deployed in an adaptable, simple and time-saving manner. The teeth on the support heads and lowering heads make it exceptionally easy to insert the panels.
  • A robust steel version and a more cost-effective polymer version of the support head are available. It can be mounted on the props using a simple quick fastener.
    A robust steel version and a more cost-effective polymer version of the support head are available. It can be mounted on the props using a simple quick fastener.
  • By installing dual-frequency RFID transponders (RFID = RADIO Frequency Identification) and using NFC (NFC = Near Field Communication) in each SKYMAX system as standard, PERI has ensured that SKYMAX is optimally equipped for the future.
    By installing dual-frequency RFID transponders (RFID = RADIO Frequency Identification) and using NFC (NFC = Near Field Communication) in each SKYMAX system as standard, PERI has ensured that SKYMAX is optimally equipped for the future.
  • The multifunctional SKYMAX Large Panel Slab Formwork System made of aluminium or polymer offers a variety of options to combine all system elements to achieve an optimal customer solution.
    The multifunctional SKYMAX Large Panel Slab Formwork System made of aluminium or polymer offers a variety of options to combine all system elements to achieve an optimal customer solution.
  • This reduces the amount of work and effort significantly, ensuring a high level of efficiency throughout the forming process.
    This reduces the amount of work and effort significantly, ensuring a high level of efficiency throughout the forming process.
  • Using the lowering head, you will be able to strike the panels after a short period of time, moving them and the heads for the next pouring section.
    Using the lowering head, you will be able to strike the panels after a short period of time, moving them and the heads for the next pouring section.
  • The lightweight polymer SKYMAX panels are ergonomic, making them easy to handle.
    The lightweight polymer SKYMAX panels are ergonomic, making them easy to handle.
  • The aluminium and polymer SKYMAX system components are 100 % compatible with each other. This makes the system particularly cost-effective and adaptable.
    The aluminium and polymer SKYMAX system components are 100 % compatible with each other. This makes the system particularly cost-effective and adaptable.



