Refuse Derived Heating and Power Station, Spremberg, Germany - The VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring towers with a height of 23.60 m can support loads of over 200 t in each case. The horizontal assembly of the approx. 10 m high tower sections makes the erection of the shoring easy and safe.
Refuse Derived Heating and Power Station, Spremberg, Germany - The VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring towers with a height of 23.60 m can support loads of over 200 t in each case. The horizontal assembly of the approx. 10 m high tower sections makes the erection of the shoring easy and safe.

德国, Spremberg

该发电站高达50米,坐落在勃兰登堡州Spremberg市的“Schwarze Pumpe”工业园区内






客户: Glass Ingenieurbau 责任有限公司,莱比锡




Heizkraftwerk Spremberg Statement, Hanno Pradel, Site Manager and Klaus-Dietrich Koch, Site Foreman
Heizkraftwerk Spremberg Statement, Hanno Pradel, Site Manager and Klaus-Dietrich Koch, Site Foreman
Hanno Pradel | Klaus-Dietrich Koch
施工经理 | 施工员
派利公司的工程服务是根据我们施工现场的条件量身设计的,非常称职、专业。我们选择PERI UP脚手架系统的原因是:该系统可以广泛的适用于各种场合,并且能够使用吊车完成大面积的转运;VARIOKIT高强塔架由系统组件组成,能够简单、省时地完成组装和连接,此外塔架能够在水平状态下完成预组装,然后使用吊车吊起。PERI UP系统还能够与作业脚手架、防护脚手架及承重支架配合使用。



Refuse Derived Heating and Power Station, Spremberg, Germany - The VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring towers with a height of 23.60 m can support loads of over 200 t in each case. The horizontal assembly of the approx. 10 m high tower sections makes the erection of the shoring easy and safe.
Refuse Derived Heating and Power Station, Spremberg, Germany - The VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring towers with a height of 23.60 m can support loads of over 200 t in each case. The horizontal assembly of the approx. 10 m high tower sections makes the erection of the shoring easy and safe.