Tunnel bypass Flüelen, Switzerland - The special support und moving construction comprised of elements from the PERI tunnel waler system which adapted exactly to each cross-section. The complete formwork unit could be moved on rails from section to section using pulling equipment supplied by the contractors. Due to economic reasons, setting and stripping were done mechanically.
Tunnel bypass Flüelen, Switzerland - The special support und moving construction comprised of elements from the PERI tunnel waler system which adapted exactly to each cross-section. The complete formwork unit could be moved on rails from section to section using pulling equipment supplied by the contractors. Due to economic reasons, setting and stripping were done mechanically.

瑞士, Flüelen


  • 全长: 2.6 公里
  • 施工时间: 1999 - 2005年





分包商: Arge Tunnel Umfahrung Flüelen (ARGE TUF) Murer AG, Erstfeld - Prader AG Tunnelbau, Zürich;
建筑公司: Erstfeld - Prader AG Tunnelbau, Zürich; Zschokke Locher AG, Zürich; Rothpletz Lienhard + Cie AG, Aarau; CSC Impresa Costruzioni SA, Lugano




Tunnel bypass Flüelen: Felix Bissig und Hansruedi Walker, Foremen
Tunnel bypass Flüelen: Felix Bissig und Hansruedi Walker, Foremen
Felix Bissig | Hansruedi Walker



Tunnel bypass Flüelen, Switzerland - The special support und moving construction comprised of elements from the PERI tunnel waler system which adapted exactly to each cross-section. The complete formwork unit could be moved on rails from section to section using pulling equipment supplied by the contractors. Due to economic reasons, setting and stripping were done mechanically.
Tunnel bypass Flüelen, Switzerland - The special support und moving construction comprised of elements from the PERI tunnel waler system which adapted exactly to each cross-section. The complete formwork unit could be moved on rails from section to section using pulling equipment supplied by the contractors. Due to economic reasons, setting and stripping were done mechanically.